We invest in quality business

Since 2015 we have applied a disciplined investment approach designed to minimise the loss risk of the investments while maximising long-term returns.
This approach involves identifying good companies with stable businesses, strong balance sheets and good management. Then, we only invest when they are trading at a significant discount to their fair value. The most important thing is to be patient and act decisively at the right time.
A method that is easy to explain yet tough to implement.


Years of investment experience


Million under management

Evolución NAV Origen

Evolution of Equam Global Value

        Equam A               MSCI*        Stoxx 50*


1 month*1.2%1.1%0.5%0.2%
3 months-3.5%-2.7%-4.6%-0.8%
2024 YTD2.2%9.1%8.6%-6.9%
Acum. Inception**94.3%78.1%82.0%16.3%
Ann. Inception**7.0%6.0%6.3%0.9%

Data at the close of the previous month

*Comparable index including dividends

**Reference date: 30th January 2015

The results back us up

From the beginning, we have outperformed our comparable indices with dividends.

Furthermore, we focus each of our investments on the business’s long-term prospects and price, never on short-term market movements.

We invest most of our assets in the fund to maximize the alignment of interest with our investors.


Patience and discipline: the foundations of artisanal work


Engagement and communication with our investors


Information and transparency are our hallmark

Committed to our investors since 2015